Thursday, July 7, 2011

Buddy - Avant Garde Designer Dog

Designers considered innovative and fresh think and create outside the box.
Buddy is so avant garde he EATS and DESTROYS the box.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Incident Report

Incident Report #49655-B
Date of Incident: 5.25.11
Location of Incident: Lobby of a Minneapolis Interior Design Firm

Victim: Mr. Magoo (no first name given)
DOB: Unknown  
Incident Details:
Mr. Magoo was in the office on Wednesday morning to assist Buddy the Designer Dog with a current design project. Last seen here:

Series of events to Mr. Magoo's demise remains unknown. At approximately 11:38 AM, this is what was left of the victim:


Autopsy was inclusive as well since most of Mr. Magoo's innards were missing, presumably taken care of by an accomplice.

MESSAGE TO PUBLIC: If anyone has any information about this incident, or have any idea of who could do such a thing....

please call security. We will continue to follow up on any leads...

Thank you for your patience and support. Good luck to us all and in the immortal words of Sergeant Phil Esterhaus,

"Let's be careful out there".


Monday, May 16, 2011

Buddy's Summer Look

Somebody got a haircut and now looks a bit nekkid!

Buddy was asked to do some field verifying and promptly feigned sleep.
We are on to your tricks Designer Dog!!

Um, Buddy? You're suppose to go field verifying, remember?

Dangit. The cuteness trumps everything! Designer Dog can stay in and sleep.
The beauty rest is working Buddy!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Buddy the Killer!

Oh the Horror!!!
Buddy made his first official kill and I can't stop looking at it!
My eyes! AAAAHHH!!

He's merciless... leaving his kill's entrails for all to see!

Don't let the cuteness fool you. This beast means business!

I fear his next victim may be the Giant Squid of Death!
I found a tentacle the other day....
a single, chewed blue tentacle with stuffing oozing out of it.

Yes, this is the look of a stone cold killer!

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Designer of a Different Kind

Buddy has apparently jumped ship and now thinks he's a fashion designer.
His first order of business was to redesign some footwear some poor lady left.
Well, at least he looks good chewing gold!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011